
Supporting you with:

  1. Accredited small business training (optional)
  2. Blogs
  3. Business advice sessions
  4. Business expenses
  5. Business health checks/Get Stuff Done sessions
  6. Business plan development
  7. Events
  8. Exploring self-employment workshops
  9. Promotion and marketing
  10. Referrals to and from small business support programs and services
  11. Stakeholder engagement
  12. Tailored support over a 12 month package of Small Business Coaching.

Book a 15 mins (Initial chat)


To be eligible you must:

  • be at least 15 years of age (a person must be 18 years of age to access Small Business Coaching)
  • not be prohibited by law from working in Australia
  • not be an overseas visitor on a working holiday visa or an overseas student studying in Australia
  • not be an undischarged bankrupt.
  • Located in the Barossa Valley, Clare Valley, Yorke Peninsula, or the Mid North in South Australia.

Step One

Book your
Initial Phone Chat
15 Minutes

Step Two

After your initial phone chat we will invite you to select the services that suit your needs.

Business Advice Session
1 Hour

Get Stuff Done - Content
1 Hour

Get Stuff Done - Digital
1 Hour

Business Plan Development
1 Hour

Exploring Self-Employment Workshops

Business Health Check
1 Hour

Small Business Coaching Session
15 Minutes

Small Business Coaching Session
30 Minutes

Small Business Coaching Session
1 Hour

Small Business Training - Optional

Self-Employment Assistance Services

With an underpinning principle of participants choosing which elements of the Self-Employment Assistance program they want to access, an initial conversation with a team members will assist them to work out what might best fit with their situation, stage and self-employment options.  This discussion will cover personal and business eligibility criteria, assessing suitability, capacity, capability and competency.  Recommendations will include the range of services that might best fit for consideration by the participant, face to face and online facilitation, plus checks, linkages, plans & resources that are relevant.

Business Advice Sessions are for individuals starting (or interested in starting) a business who only want one or 2 meetings with the Provider for advice on establishing their business, rather the 12 months of mentoring and other support available under Small Business Coaching; eligible Business Owners who need tailored advice, such as: applying for a business loan to help their business’ viability or marketing advice on sourcing clients/customers; former Participants who need additional support from their Provider after completing Small Business Coaching or New Business Assistance with NEIS (to ensure their business is Operating Commercially).

Business Health Checks assists a participant to develop their business by providing approximately 3 hours of support to analyse the business, develop an action plan to ensure the business’ viability and identify other forms of support that may benefit the Participant.

Exploring Self-Employment Workshops include 1. Getting Started; 2. Business Idea Generation and Validation; 3. Start-Up Essentials; 4. Going Digital; 5. Branding and Marketing facilitated face to face and online.

Small Business Coaching helps participants turn Business Plans into businesses that are Operating Commercially through the provision of personalised Business Mentoring and support for up to 52 weeks.

Business Plan Development has minimum requirements that is outline in the Sea to Valley Startups template and our team will work with you to assist in the development of the plan, including a financial plan with a 2-year cash flow forecast and sources of funding.

Small Business Training is optional and participants may access Small Business Training by enrolling in one of the following qualifications: Certificate III in Entrepreneurship and New Business (BSB30220); Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business (BSB40320); Micro Business Skill Set (BSBSS00102); New Business Ventures Skill Set (BSBSS00103); and Small Business Management Skill Set (BSBSS00104).

Based upon industry growth sectors & self-employment opportunities in this region such as tourism, construction, skilled trades, aged care, aquaculture, education, energy, food, wine and beverages, infrastructure – roads, NDIS, water, gas and mining are areas for consideration and connections.

Participants can access services face to face at various sites across the region or online, over the phone, via email and various forms of communication, and supported where needed by an advocate, interpreter, peer mentor and/or supporter.

The creation and continuation of small business, addressing local areas of skill shortage and meeting industry and community needs across the region will be supported by:

Business advice with a Get Stuff Done style approach where participants gain massive value from the sessions.

Collaborating with local stakeholders and ecosystem members on events and awards.

Engagement with local cultural and community groups and organisations that support different cohorts.

Facilitating connections between participants for potential collaboration and customers.

High calibre coaches, mentors, facilitators and speakers.

Industry specific workshops e.g. on opportunities for self-employment in the care sector and NDIS.

Promotion of networking events and being involved in participants business launches, openings, markets and/or celebrations.

Running a Facebook group to keep participants in touch and hosting Meetups across the region.

Participants are helped to understand the changing labour market, the types of self-employment opportunities that are in demand, skills and qualities required through:

  • Business Innovation and Entrepreneurs Tours.
  • Get Stuff Done sessions such as developing a budget, marketing, strategic planning.
  • Industry specific networking events e.g. care sector and NDIS.
  • Sessions on the Future of Jobs, Skills & Work.
  • Webinars on areas of skill shortages and industry needs plus topics such as where the jobs are now.
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